Thursday, June 7, 2007

Attack of the Censors!

Sorry again for the time it's been since I last posted an entry, but, this time, I'm not totally to blame. The powers that be in China--most likely some Communist party lapdog who can hardly speak English, is greatly overpaid and has no idea what he is doing-- have once again decided to restrict access to my blog. I wish I could tell you why they've done this, but honestly I have no idea. I haven't posted anything recently that is even remotely controversial. But, trying to figure out the logic of the Communist party in matters of what speech they ban is tantamount to trying to decipher why people care about Paris Hilton. It simply makes no sense.

The Chinese government has a constant internet block of Wikepedia and and BBC news. Meanwhile, the NYtimes, which routinely feature stories critical of the Chinese government, has never been blocked while I've lived here. My friend Vivienne in Shanghai was recently infuriated when her LiveJournal blog was blocked.
I certainly feel her pain. The great thing about the internet though, is that there is simply no way to block all access to any site or information without completely restricting access to the web. If people want to know something, and or access a site, they will find a way. There is always a backdoor, and with a little digging and internet sleuthing it isn't so difficult to circumnavigate a block. After all, I am posting right now to my "blocked" blog. Of course, I'm also crossing my fingers that I'll continue to find ways to do so.

And, on that note, I'll leave you with some promised pictures of the week. I shot the following pictures at a flower market during my
recent trip to Hong Kong about a month ago. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Oooohh! those are really stunning photos! You can sell them as stock photos! they are that great! anyway, we can really do nothing about China. They can't even give their workers a decent wage...

Anonymous said...

I like that Paris video. That photo of her bawling without make up on is priceless, if you've seen it. Paris, I'll give you something to cry about!!